

Long History·Splendid Culture

Trip Down Memory Lane


The 4th English Festival in HZWFLS

Long History·Splendid Culture - Trip Down Memory Lane,本次英語節(jié)帶領(lǐng)大家用英文追溯中國的悠久歷史·燦爛文化,學(xué)生以自己獨(dú)特的方式去詮釋經(jīng)典中國歷史故事。

本次英語節(jié)有兩個(gè)部分組成,第一個(gè)部分是以 好好學(xué)英語“鴨”為主題的游園活動(dòng)。第二個(gè)部分是以“悠久歷史·燦爛文化”為主題的英文戲劇表演。通過游園活動(dòng),激發(fā)學(xué)生對(duì)外語學(xué)習(xí)的興趣,提高語言綜合運(yùn)用能力,體驗(yàn)并學(xué)習(xí)各國優(yōu)秀文化,樹立國際視野;通過戲劇展演、詩歌朗誦等活動(dòng),講好中國故事、弘揚(yáng)中華優(yōu)秀文化,體會(huì)中華文明的精神內(nèi)涵,堅(jiān)定國家認(rèn)同感和文化自信。在戲劇排練和游園活動(dòng)的過程中,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的溝通能力和合作能力,讓學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)換位思考和理解他人,幫助他們樹立集體意識(shí),形成集體榮譽(yù)感。整個(gè)過程學(xué)生充分參與其中,展示了其自主性、提高了英語運(yùn)用能力以及向世界傳播了中國的傳統(tǒng)文化。

This English festival will take you on a journey down memory lane to explore the long history and splendid culture of China. Students will showcase their unique interpretation of classic Chinese stories in English.

The festival consists of two parts. The first part is a fun game stands activity themed around “GO DUCK GO!”. The second part is an English drama performance with the theme of “Long History·Splendid Culture”. Through the park activity, students will be inspired to learn English and improve their language skills, experience and learn about excellent cultures from different countries, and develop an international perspective. Through drama rehearsals and poetry recitations, students will share Chinese stories, promote the outstanding Chinese culture, appreciate the spiritual connotation of Chinese civilization, and strengthen their national identity and cultural confidence. The rehearsal process and game stands activity will help students develop communication and teamwork skills, learn to empathize and understand others, and build a sense of collective pride. Throughout the entire festival, students will have the opportunity to fully participate, showcase their independence, improve their English language abilities, and share China’s traditional culture with the world.


Warm-up before the festival

Before the English festival, our English department carried out a series of warm-up activities. In early March, there was a classic poetry writing contest in Chinese and English. In April, our school held preliminary, semi-final, and final rounds of the Spelling-bee competition. In May, there was a speech contest on the theme of “Youth Asian Games”. At the same time, the English acrostic poem writing activity on the theme of “My Favorite City” was also underway. Teachers such as Xia Dongjing, Zhang Weiwei, and Zhou Yuan also gave related public lessons.

英語組老師們用心籌備、組織了節(jié)前的宣傳工作,對(duì)各個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)精心打磨,包括藏鴨子(duck hunting)、各個(gè)攤位的籌備、導(dǎo)演、小演員與現(xiàn)場主持人的招募與選拔、宣傳板與拱門的制作、戲劇海報(bào)的制作以及邀請(qǐng)函的設(shè)計(jì)等。值得一提的是此次英語節(jié)的宣傳海報(bào)由同學(xué)們手繪制作,各班的戲劇海報(bào)也由各班同學(xué)各施其能,發(fā)揮其想象和創(chuàng)造力創(chuàng)作完成,風(fēng)格各異。

The English department teachers meticulously prepared and organized the pre-festival publicity work, carefully polishing every detail, including the duck hunting game, games stands decorations and preparations, recruitment and selection of directors, actors, and making of promotional signs and arches, making of drama posters, and invitation card design etc. It is worth mentioning that the promotional posters for this English festival were hand-drawn by students, and the drama posters for each class were also created by students with their own abilities, imagination, and creativity, exhibiting various styles.


Game Stands Activity

在游園活動(dòng)之前,英語老師們進(jìn)行了校園尋鴨(duck hunting)的活動(dòng)進(jìn)行英語節(jié)預(yù)熱,同學(xué)們滿校園地尋找“小黃鴨”,不亦樂乎。在游園當(dāng)天,在融合部同學(xué)優(yōu)美的舞蹈和老師對(duì)游園攤位的介紹中,英語節(jié)拉開序幕。同學(xué)們和老師們共同組織了6個(gè)攤位,分別是英語藏頭詩展示攤位、Scrambled words(為打亂字母順序的單詞正序)、Charades(你比劃我猜)、Culture Quiz(文化知識(shí)競答)、Word Chain(英語單詞接龍)、小黃鴨兌獎(jiǎng)攤位。同學(xué)們都沉入其中,為了小黃鴨印章努力奮斗,快樂地遨游在英語知識(shí)的海洋中。

Before the game stands activity, the English teachers organized a duck hunting activity on campus as a warm-up for the English festival. The students searched for “l(fā)ittle yellow ducks” all over the campus with great enthusiasm. On the day of the activity, the English festival kicked off with a beautiful dance performance by the integration department student and introductions by teachers to game stands. Students and teachers jointly organized six stands, including Acrostic poem stand, Scrambled words (rearrange letters to form words), Charades (acting out and guessing), Culture Quiz (cultural knowledge quiz), Word Chain (English word chain game), and Duck Hunting. The students were fully immersed in the activities, striving for the little yellow duck stamps and learning English happily.


Red carpet appearance




Next up is the drama performance. Each class determined their respective scripts based on the theme and began rehearsing round after round. From forgetting lines to being well-versed, from being nervous and awkward to being powerful and confident, from being disorganized to being orderly, these are all marks of growth for the young actors.

Of course, in addition to the actors standing on stage, there were also a large number of behind-the-scenes workers who silently contributed. Some were in charge of overall planning, some were responsible for script adaptation, some were in charge of prop procurement and production, some were busy collecting and producing PPT backgrounds and sound effects, some were busy editing various materials... Each of them contributed their own strength to the presentation of the final visual feast.

On the day of the drama performance, before the official performance, each class director, screenwriter, or lead actor walked on the red carpet and appeared with the six judges, creating a strong atmosphere for the drama festival. After changing into their costumes, the young actors entered their roles and greeted the surrounding audience warmly. After walking to the front of the stage, each student signed their name on the signature wall. They then posed for a photo that showcased the style of their own drama group, looking like a bunch of shining stars.


Drama performance


After the red carpet segment, an energetic drumbeat lit up the stage. The hosts, dressed in traditional clothing, were radiant, confident, and elegant, kicking off the drama performance.

801班的同學(xué)們出演《梁山伯與祝英臺(tái)》, 出眾的形象和演技,流利清晰的英語口語,讓觀眾們不愿意錯(cuò)過一句臺(tái)詞。班主任牛老師也禁不住加入同學(xué)們的演繹當(dāng)中。飾演祝英臺(tái)的兩位女主角也以精湛的演技 、出色的表現(xiàn)雙雙獲得本屆“最佳女主角”獎(jiǎng)杯。

Class 801 performed “The Butterfly Lovers” in the drama festival, with outstanding image and acting, fluent and clear English, making the audience not want to miss a single line. Teacher Niu, the head teacher, also joined in the performance with the students. The two actresses who played the role of Zhu Yingtai also won the “Best Actress” trophy of the festival with their superb acting and outstanding performance.


The young actors of Class 703 brought us “The Lotus Lantern” reproducing the scene of Chen Xiang overcoming many difficulties to save his mother. Each scene in the drama was beautifully crafted, bringing a visual feast to the audience.


The actors in Class 804 were extremely talented, bringing “Women Generals of the Yangs” to the audience. The actresses’ heroic demeanor and wonderful performances won the audience’s applause. Even though one of the students had an injured leg, he still did not give up and went on stage to perform. Everyone was fully committed and their creativity and talent were truly impressive.


Students from IC6 of the Integration Department brought us the historical and cultural heritage of shadow puppetry, with a performance of “Shadow Show: Monkey King Subdues White-skeleton Demon”. They creatively reproduced the classic scene from “Journey to the West” using shadow puppets, which was lively and vivid, and received applause from the audience.


Class 701 brought us the classic story of the Three Kingdoms period, “Borrowing arrows with straw boats”, reproducing the classic scenes before and during the arrow borrowing on stage. The difficulties of “making arrows” at that time were vividly presented on the PPT with ingenuity. The sound effects were so realistic that people felt like they were there, which was amazing.


Class 803 challenged the classic scene of Daiyu entering the Jia Mansion in “Dream of Red Mansions”. The laughter of “Wang Xifeng” immediately caught the attention of all the audience. The performance was very faithful to the original work, with excellent acting, full emotions which truly touched audiences’ hearts. The complex emotions were vividly portrayed in simple scenes.


Class 702 presented the story of heroes suppressing bandits in “The Taking of Tiger Mountain”. Throughout the acting process, they demonstrated excellent teamwork, creativity, and outstanding English language skills, which were greatly loved by the audience.


Class 802 creatively reproduced the classic “Full River Red”. They depicted three stages of Yue Fei’s life: studying martial arts in his youth, his mother tattooing him in his prime, and his unfulfilled ambitions in middle age. Each scene was clear, smooth, and vivid. Finally, all the students in the class recited the poem “Full River Red” in both Chinese and English, with powerful and forceful voices, which drove all the teachers and students at the venue to participate in the “full recitation” together! The entire audience reached a climax! Wang Xincheng, who played the middle-aged Yue Fei, won the “Best Actor” trophy of this year for his vivid and emotionally charged performance.


Awarding the Top Ten Winners

of the Acrostic Poetry Competition


The English teachers awarded the top ten students who won the Acrostic Poetry Competition in English.


Dance performance


In addition to the drama performance, the seventh-grade students also presented an elegant dance performance accompanied by the Guzheng at the end of this English Festival. The music was melodious and the rhythm was gentle, providing a visual and auditory feast for the audience present.




After all the drama performances and other programs ended, the judging panel awarded eight prizes. After a period of rehearsals and hard work, the actors received professional recognition. Now, let’s listen to the winning speeches of the Best Actor and Actress.


Post-festival reflections

The winner of the Best Actor, Xinchen Wang(最佳男主角802班王昕辰):

很榮幸能在第四屆英語戲劇節(jié)中獲得 the best actor的獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng),首先當(dāng)然感謝各位老師評(píng)委對(duì)我和我們班整體表演的肯定。然而,收獲必有付出;厥讖娜戮烷_始的緊鑼密鼓的準(zhǔn)備,我深深感覺到滿滿的成就感;叵肫吣昙(jí)的英語節(jié),當(dāng)時(shí)的我還是以導(dǎo)演的身份走上紅毯,由于是第一次參與,許多方面都需要英語老師Ling的幫助和指導(dǎo),但那次導(dǎo)演的經(jīng)歷使我印象很深,幫助很大。當(dāng)看到我們班的戲劇圓滿完成,我的名字滾動(dòng)在導(dǎo)演欄的時(shí)候,心中自豪感油然而生,但對(duì)我自己而言,我只是擔(dān)任了表演中一個(gè)客串的小角色,心中不免有些遺憾。有了上一次的經(jīng)驗(yàn),這次的戲劇表演就比較順利,從前期的編寫劇本,到后期的排練,幾乎由我們導(dǎo)演組的幾位同學(xué)完全負(fù)責(zé)。同時(shí),依靠Ling和同學(xué)們的支持,我有了一個(gè)飾演岳飛挑戰(zhàn)自我的機(jī)會(huì)。也許是曾以導(dǎo)演的身份和角度感受過表演,對(duì)角色會(huì)產(chǎn)生些不同的感受吧,同學(xué)們的表演也很投入,總有些精彩的點(diǎn)子在一遍遍的排練中涌現(xiàn),在這樣的氛圍下,我可以說是以享受的心情參與在排練中。

I am honored to receive the Best Actor award at the 4th English Festival. First of all, I would like to thank the teachers for recognizing my performance and our class's play. Achievement always comes with effort. Looking back at the intensive preparation since March, I feel a great sense of accomplishment.

In 7th grade, I walked on the red carpet of the English Drama Festival as the director for the first time. As it was my first time participating, I needed a lot of help and guidance from My English teacher Ling. The experience of being the director left a deep impression and was very helpful. When I saw our class's play was successfully performed and my name appeared under the director's list, I felt proud. However, for me personally, I only played a small supporting role and felt some regret.

With the experience from last time, this drama performance went relatively smoothly. From choosing and writing the script to rehearsing, the director group members were almost fully responsible. At the same time, with the support of Ling and my classmates, I had the opportunity to challenge myself by playing the role of Yue Fei. Perhaps due to having experienced the performance from the director's perspective, I would have different feelings for this role. My classmates' performances were also highly devoted. Many wonderful ideas emerged during the rehearsals. In this atmosphere, I can say that I participated in the rehearsals with an enjoyable attitude.

One of the winners of the Best Actress, Gloria (最佳女主角801班方若菲):


It ' s my honor to achieve " the Best Actress " on our 4th English festival . During our practice , my classmates helped each other and the teachers gave us a lot of support . Our efforts lead to the wonderful performance. Many of my classmates helped me and encouraged me during our practice too. So , this exciting achievement not only belongs to me , but also belongs to everyone . I sincerely thank all those who have contributed to the performance of 80l!

The other winner of the Best Actress, Holly (最佳女主角801班薛羽宵):

我在7年級(jí)的時(shí)候?qū)Ρ硌莞械胶懿蛔孕牛罱K扮演了一棵樹。但這次是初中生涯中最后一次英語戲劇節(jié),我覺決定挑戰(zhàn)一下自己,選擇了女裝祝英臺(tái)這一角色。在排練的過程中,我從一開始的詞不熟、情感不到位, 在導(dǎo)演、同學(xué)、老師的幫助下,到后面臺(tái)詞脫口而出,表演生動(dòng)。感謝同學(xué)和老師們對(duì)我的幫助,使我的表演能力、口語能力更上了一層樓,也感謝本次英語節(jié)給了我一個(gè)展示自己的機(jī)會(huì)。也希望學(xué)弟學(xué)妹們能在以后的英語節(jié)里充分表現(xiàn)自己,收獲益處!

I was not confident in acting when I was in grade 7, at last , I acted a tree . But it is the last English Drama Festival in my Middle school student life , so I decided to challenge myself and I chose to act Zhu Yingtai . At the beginning of the rehearsal , I was very unfamiliar with my lines and o very stiff with my performance . But with the help of the director, classmates and teachers, my acting ability and expression ability are on the next level . Thanks to the English Festival, I got a chance to show myself . I hope that the other students in our school can show themselves move and get benefited from it !

通過在游園中以不同方式趣味體驗(yàn)英語,通過用英語在舞臺(tái)上演繹這些中國古典故事,學(xué)生們展示了英語運(yùn)用的嫻熟和對(duì)兩種文化的理解,把自己作為一個(gè)橋梁浸入式地連結(jié)著兩種文化。這場英語節(jié)突出了我們的學(xué)生們的獨(dú)特之處。他們文化根深蒂固但也具有全球視野;他們重視個(gè)性和獨(dú)立思考;他們有潛力有希望在更廣闊的舞臺(tái)上表達(dá)自己。這個(gè)英語節(jié)將存留在我們記憶中, 這對(duì)學(xué)生、老師們和觀眾來說都是令人難忘的,見證這些孩子們無限的潛力和他們將要傳承的文化遺產(chǎn)。在杭世外的校園里我們一直一起在學(xué)習(xí)中、在活動(dòng)中成長,創(chuàng)造更多生命多彩的體驗(yàn)!

By experiencing English in different ways while having fun in the game stands and performing Chinese classical stories in English on stage, the students demonstrated their proficiency in English language and understanding of the two cultures. They immersed themselves as a bridge between the two cultures. This English Festival highlighted the unique qualities of our students-deeply rooted in their culture yet possessing a global perspective, valuing individuality and independent thinking, and having the potential and hope to express themselves on a broader stage. This English Festival will remain in our memories as an unforgettable experience for the students, teachers, and audience, witnessing the limitless potential of these children and the cultural heritage they will pass on. We have been growing up together in learning and participating activities at HZWFLS campus, creating more colorful experiences in life!







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